Page 3 (to the right) which is actually page 2 in the book. No, tell a lie it is actually page 4 because I left the first 2 pages blank until I get some more confidence back in case these weren't good enough to open the book to ............ hmmmm
The page was painted with the same green Koh-I-Noor as the left hand page with a lace fabric pressed down on the wet paint which didn't really work, can just see a few background dots here and there if looking closely. White pastel worked over a stencil then the whole page was painted with a weak turquoise Brusho which left it quite dull ........... not really me and a lesson learned
Some yellow pencil over the whole background and some pencil detail on the flowers and it looks a little better though still a bit subtle for me ........
Following the tutorials to a certain degree is good for me though as I'm revisiting stuff, learning new things and it's making me think lol! Oh, and another thing, I forgot to mention is it's an "Upsy Daisy" book (how apt). I couldn't understand why I had to move the whole of the spiral binding everytime I opened the book or tried to shut it until my husband pointed out that I had it back to front! I can't be doing that all the time or it will soon be ruined so I shall have to be starting again from the right side soon!!!!
so amazing! I totally forgot about potato printing! beautiful!