Sunday, 22 January 2012

Sorting Out

Today was a tidy up day.  At the back, fabrics for the jacket and some small pieces that will fit in somewhere ........

Bottom left a small pile from which I should be able to do something ...............

He needs ears attaching, stuffing (when I remember where it is) and some adornment before he's off to a new home (more about that later).  The pile of fragments left (I can't really call them scraps) will go in the bag with kilos of other fragments to make pictures when I've no fabric left to do anything else if we get any more energy bills like the one we've been hit with today!!

The jacket fabric pile looked very depleted with the two fronts and back still to go so I had a hunt for some bits that I could overdye turquoise .........  

Some worked better than others but at least I have some more to choose from which should keep me going for a bit ........

In the cupboard was a bottle of salt solution (labelled), one empty bottle and one nearly full bottle of another solution.  Was it Urea or Soda?  No idea, so I made up another bottle of Soda.  What was the point of putting the unlabelled bottle back in the cupboard then?

Angela, the free bag tutorials I've just found by googling for free bag tutorials or searching for free sewing patterns in general just to see if there's anything that I may like to make at some stage.  If and when is another matter lol!